
Waterjet Cutting Replacement Parts for Aerospace Research and Development
Using advanced CNC waterjet cutting technology, Peifer Waterjet cut a variety of lunar wheel parts for a Maryland-based Aerospace R&D Organization. The project was on a critical path timeline so a quick turnaround was crucial. Even though it was up against a holiday, Peifer Waterjet worked overtime so that its customer could meet its deadline.

Waterjet Cutting Statues and Sculptural Art
Peifer Waterjet cuts sculptural and functional art pieces for a variety of artists including a Baltimore based couple who turned to us to fabricate window grilles for a local Recreation Center. The large format silhouette panels were cut from 1/4” aluminum while the backer panels were cut from 1/8” flattened expanded metal. Peifer Welding welded an aluminum angle frame to the backer panel. The panels sand-blasted, primed and powder coated in contrasting colors.

Waterjet Cutting Replacement Parts for Historical Restoration and Transportation Industries
Peifer Waterjet has cut replacement parts for antique trains for a Pennsylvania transportation restoration company. From .125″ brass air conditioning grilles to these 1.75″ steel cagney driver centers, we cut these custom parts to precise specifications because replacement parts are not available.

Waterjet Cutting Components for Fabrication Shop
Peifer Waterjet has worked with other fabrication shops by waterjet cutting component parts for their assemblies. Working closely with a fab. shop in Eastern Pennsylvania, Peifer Waterjet has cut individual parts and multiple quantities from mild steel and stainless steel as well as other alloys like A516Gr70, SA387Gr11, A387Gr22 and 316 & 321 SS. We have created CAD drawings from customer-supplied blueprints including making flat patterns for 3-D cones and cylinders.

Waterjet Cutting Blanks for Machine Shops
Peifer Waterjet has waterjet cut blanks for a number of machine shops in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We also work closely with local machine shops to provide secondary machining operations to our waterjet customers.

Waterjet Cutting Signage
Peifer Waterjet cut a large cross and lettering for identification signage for a Pennsylvania church. All the pieces were cut from .25″ aluminum. The letters were drilled and tapped on the back and we provided threaded studs for installation to a masonry wall. We fabricated a 2″ rim round the perimeter of the 8 ft. cross to conceal rope lighting and welded mounting brackets to the back.

Timber Frame Assemblies
Peifer Waterjet fabricated stainless steel timber frame connection assemblies for a Pennsylvania timber frame company. The plates were waterjet cut and then welded. The largest assembly was an 11 foot octagon which required special hauling to the construction site.

Sculptural Art
Peifer Waterjet cuts sculptural art pieces for a variety of artists including a Virginia based artist who uses 11 ga. stainless steel as his medium. We worked with the artist to create a CAD dwg. from his Adobe Illustrator file.